Thursday, July 24, 2014

DataQ Reserch - Eliminating Sample Data Bias

                             Eliminating Sample Data Bias

During a survey, it is not possible to interview everyone, so only a sample of the population is interviewed. If this sample group does not accurately reflect the proportions of various groups in the total population, you can WEIGHT (SAMPLE BALANCING) the survey result.

Let’s say for example, you are in the business of selling men clothing. You also know that males form 80% of your customer base and purchasing decision. If you field a survey, and your survey response has 50% male and 50% female - you have sample bias. The data is leaning towards females, who constitute 50% of the survey data, but only constitute 20% of your customer base. 

DataQ has designed a In-house tool that allow you to accomplish this within few hours.